
19 September 2013

Maverick, Etc.

Here's what you get today, party people.  First is a post I wrote like a week and a half ago and then never added pictures to or posted.  And because I'm a sloth, I refuse to switch it up.  After that you'll get an actual update about boring stuff around here.


Today my students' SAT word of the day was Maverick.  Obviously, this meant that I needed to show them clips of Top Gun, especially the very best one (okay, the best one that I could show to a group of other people's children, because clearly the best one is the volleyball scene--or the one where the sing in the bar!--or--wait--too many best scenes!) where Iceman does the biting thing.  "That's right, Ice. . .man [brushes lint off shoulder of Iceman], I am dangerous."  I mean, it doesn't get much better than that, does it?*

Oh, hell.  Let's just watch it.

Other than that, things are pretty quiet.  Baby Lady decided to roll over, finally.  And now she's (knock on wood), sleeping like a damned champion. (Really, if our spawn should do anything well, it should be sleep. They've certainly got the genes for it.)  She's getting all wild and crazy with her rolling all about and grabbing things and laughing.  And her brother?  Well, he's kind of the sweetest and funniest little creature on the planet.  Sometimes we call him Gollum because he creeps around like such a little weirdo.  It's definitely true what they say about you loving those babies more and more with every day.  But I knew that already because I experienced it with Mitch.  And Matt!  Matt, too!

Right now, I'm sipping on a watermelon margarita (Why aren't you?  MAKE ONE NOW!) while Matt grills our dinner.  And I'm trying to figure out why there's a soccer game on TV, but I'm too lazy to get up and get the remote.  Oh well.

Ooh!  Matt just came in and suggested we watch Boardwalk Empire while we eat!  Awesome!  True fact: I once had a very inappropriate dream about Nucky Thompson.

And, with that, I'll leave you with pictures of my favorite tiny humans.

*Wait, is "Crashed and burned, eh Mav?" and then "Slider [sniff, sniff]. . .you stink" better?


And now it's a week and a half later, I just ate 2/3 of a frozen pizza, and I'm currently in the process of avoiding grading essays.  So basically the dishes are done and the laundry is done and I might even take a shower TWO DAYS IN A ROW!  But the essays?  The essays are never done.

I'm excited about the weekend and about the changes in the weather (a few more degrees cooler and it'll be open window weather!) and about school and about babies doing cool stuff and about not being pregnant.  I also received a pretty awesome gift recently and if you're annoyed that I've been blowin' up your Instagram feed with 2 bajillion pictures of my baby spawn, then, well, unfollow me.

And in case you were wondering, not a single one of my students missed the maverick question on the vocabulary quiz.  Top Gun for the win!

That's all I've got (that's blog appropriate, anyway).  Told you it was boring.

Picture time!

That's right, Ice. . .man, I am dangerous.

Also, apparently my kids only wear pajamas.  What a life!  Totes jeal!

02 September 2013

September! Already!

How is it September already?  I mean, for realz.  I'm pretty sure it's still something like 2004 and I just graduated from college.  Oh well.  I guess time flies when you're having fun, right?

Life has been good to us lately.  Matt's feeling better (huzzah!), Sweet Baby Lady has been going to bed at 7:00ish every night and sleeping pretty much all night (double huzzah!), Charlie started talking (apparently, according to Cassie, he was waiting until he could say 3-syllable words like tortillas and dinosaur before he'd begin to speak) and doing somersaults, and my classes at school have been out of control awesome (and I'm all, "What is this, Dead Poet's Society or something?").  Since Darling Matilda's been going to bed at night, Matt and I have gotten to enjoy our evenings together like actual real adults, which is basically life-changing.  We've cooked dinners together and watched our stories on the TV and enjoyed the quiet.

The other super fun thing about life right now is that Charlie has gotten really into books.  Most kids have probably been into them all along, but our Charlie, from the ages of about 4 months until a few weeks ago, would see you reading a book, run over to you, snatch the book from you, scream, and throw it on the ground.  So this is a pretty big deal for his two English major parents.  It's all I can do not to spend all of our dollars on more books and more books and more books.  If you have any suggestions, do tell!  I'd love to hear them.

Anyway, right now I'm supposed to be taking a shower, but I'm not because there's lightning outside and I am afraid of electrocution and also because I'm a dirty procrastinator when it comes to showers.  Instead I'm watching Friday Night Lights and it's the one where Mrs. Coach sees Matt Saracen buying condoms and Coach gives him the scariest glare of all time in church and it's amazing.  So, yeah, life is pretty great.

Also, watermelon margaritas.  So really, really great.  Watermelon margaritas are about as life-changing as the baby going to bed.  Is it bad that I'm thinking of buying two whole watermelons and pureeing them and freezing the puree so that I can enjoy watermelon margaritas all through the winter.  Or is it BRILLIANT?

We Pinterested the eff out of these drinks, yo.

And, with that, I've got to tend to all of my Dillon friends and family and debate risking electrocution to scrub the grime off of my body.  I'll leave you with 2048586940202 pictures of Matilda and Charlie.  You'll note that there are more pictures of her than there are of him, which is because I use a manual lens and Charlie never stops moving--ever.  Add to that the fact that every time I pull out the real camera, he tries to snatch it from my hands and then screams if I don't let him, and we end up with very few good Charlie pictures.  We'll have to stick to video for that little buddy.  Either that, or you can buy me the lens I really want.  I mean, if you're really that bothered by the imbalance.

Happy week to you!

 Trying to smother baby sister.

 Charlie loves my childhood stuffed animal, Pato.  It makes me ridiculously happy to see them together.