
12 June 2009

Ahhh. . .

School's out. I'm relieved, thrilled, exhausted, and in a state of disbelief. Summer break is by far the greatest thing about my job, followed by Christmas break and spring break. It's also nice to be home every day around 3:00. The thought that I have three relatively painless teacher work days and then I don't have to be back there for two months makes me giddy. Absolutely giddy.

Matt's traveling to Virginia for the weekend to reunite with old college and high school friends. Matt says that they just drink beer and talk, but I imagine there's more. I picture them drinking champagne, getting manicures and pedicures, gossiping, watching old episodes of Beverly Hills 90210, and having several dance-offs. I suspect that he's not been completely honest about what goes on during these reunions.

So it's just me and the dogs for the weekend, and I have big plans. I'm about to tap into the box of wine that's been calling my name from the refrigerator, and then I might clean the house. Oh, boxed wine. Oh, drunken house cleaning.

What will I do for the next two months? I have some ideas. Let's see if I stick to them:
  • Learn to sew. Make some curtains.
  • Make the back yard less of a jungle.
  • Eat healthy and lose some weight.
  • Shred, elipt, and walk/jog.
  • Relax.
  • Cook.
  • Re-tool my 12th grade class.
  • Get caught up with my correspondance.
  • Go to the beach every Monday.
  • Steal my sister.
  • Buy Punch Out for the Wii. Beat Matt at the game.
  • Celebrate our 2nd wedding anniversary in style.
  • Sleep in every day.

It should be good. I've been looking forward to this since last summer.

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