
16 June 2009

My Classroom

One of the few advantages of teaching in a dilapidated school that's filled with mold is that you get a lot of freedom to decorate. From what I've heard, one of the social studies classrooms had a mural of Hitler painted on the wall. Taking that into consideration, I decided that a few trees wouldn't hurt anybody, but they may make me a little happier each time I step into my classroom. So last week my seniors and I painted some trees on the walls, and grass and flowers under my white board.

(Forgive the clutter. I'm purging.)

I also scored class sets of some awesome books from my buddy Hugh, who is leaving teaching to go to medical school. I'm really sad that I won't be working with him any longer, but this class set of The Elements of Style is helping to ease the pain.
Looks like one of the ninth graders reset the classroom agenda for the summer.

I intend to.

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