
02 July 2009

Carport Bistro and Killer Bees

I've been reading lots of stuff lately about having an outdoor eating area, which is really appealing to me (probably in the way that camping is appealing to me--I want to like it, but I don't). Anyway, I have attempted to transform our dirty little carport into something more.

The carport, unglamorous though it is, has been where Matt and I have had many a late night conversation. It wasn't a bad space before, but I love it now.


And $35 later. May I show you around the Carport Bistro? (Matt thought I was joking when I said that I was going to make a sign. Ha!)

First, we stole a table from the neighbor who has moved away. Nobody was using it.

I threw on a citronella candle, a gardenia bush from Publix, a cute tablecloth and some placemats.

And bought some beauteous white paper lantern lights. Paper lantern lights--particularly the white ones--make me really, really happy.

One thing that doesn't make me happy: BEES! As soon as it was dark and I had the lantern lights on, a swarm of bees entered the Carport Bistro. Perhaps they were excited about the grand opening?

Dammit. Anybody know how to get rid of bees? F it. We're having dinner out here tomorrow night, bees or no bees. I'll just channel the spirit of Idgie Threadgoode from Fried Green Tomatoes. It'll be fine.

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