
20 July 2009

M Cubed (+ C) Vacations: Lake House

The next stop on our tour of the East Coast was Matt's parents' lake house on Lake Gaston, North Carolina. Matt's parents have done an incredible job of creating a place that's relaxing but never boring, and a place where I often eat my body weight in cheese and crackers.

Mitch loves the lake house, too. And why wouldn't he? It's dog heaven. He doesn't have to be on a leash, there are lots of other dogs around, he is allowed on the couch, he gets to go for rides on the boat, he eats plenty of steak scraps, and he's spoiled even more than he is at home (a feat I wouldn't have thought possible). And the best thing about the lake house for Mitch--SWIMMING. I can't get enough of this cuteness.

First, he eases his way into the water. He prefers to use the stairs.

Going. . .

Going. . .


When when he gets out, he has to do his big dog shakes.

But his favorite thing is to swim with his mom and dad.

"Um, Daddy, I want this noodle."

"Mama, I love you. You're the smartest and the prettiest and the funniest."

E.T. and Elliot, I tell you.

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