
12 July 2009

Vacation (a post from Mitch)

Apparently during vacations dogs [and people] are supposed to relax and sleep a lot. Something you might not know is that vacation will make you TIRED!

I mean, it's exciting and everything. I always get really excited when I see my mom packing up the car because I know that I will get to go on a really long car ride. Car rides are pretty much only fun for about an hour, and after that I just want to be sleeping on my big yellow couch.

I was so ready for this car ride because I haven't been out of town in a long time, and the last car ride I took was to the vet. I'm still mad at my mom for that. Also, I dressed up in my green bandana for the trip. I strongly support the protestors in Iran.

It's really fun to ride right in the middle of my mom and dad. Sometimes I'll give him kisses to remind him how cute I am.

I have two really cool cousins in Virginia. One is Kita. She's really really big and she scares me. She ate all of my food just to show me that she's the one in charge. It's cool, though. We've reached an understanding. Plus, I know that I'm way faster than she is.

My other cool cousin is Shayne. He's eight, and he and I have been pretty close since I was just a puppy. He got me this awesome stick and carved my name into it. Isn't that cool?

I've been having so much fun here in Virginia, but I am so tired. There's no bed for me to hide under here, so I've taken to hiding under this couch.

It's pretty much been a great vacation so far, even if I am super tired. I got to hang out with lots of old friends, and I even got to sleep in a bed with my Aunt Caitie! Tomorrow we're getting back in the car and driving to Maryland, which is this whole other state. I'm pretty much going to run and remind people of how cute I am. I mean, that's kind of what I do.

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