
01 August 2009

It's a good thing you're cute, dog.

It's a good thing [for the dog] that his ears and little dog expressions melt my heart. Otherwise, Mitch would be back at the pound. Allow me to share with you an experience from the last few days. . .

1. Mandy sees a flea on Mitch.
2. Mandy decides to put flea medicine on Mitch.
3. Mandy opens the dog medicine drawer.
4. Mitch bolts.
5. Mandy corners Mitch in the bedroom, and applies medicine to the back of his little dog neck while he sits on the bed.
6. Mitch spends the next 3 minutes trying to rid himself of flea medicine by flopping around on the bed, rubbing the back of his neck all over the sheets.
7. Mandy thinks nothing of this.
8. Mandy is also really bad about showering daily.
9. Mandy goes to bed.
10. Mandy wakes up with rash all over her arm.
11. Mandy thinks nothing of this, other than about how much it itches.
12. Mandy does nothing [but scratch].
13. Mandy goes to bed again, having not showered that day.
14. Mandy wakes up with a rash that has spread all up and down her arm, and must wait tables with said rash.
15. Dammit.
16. Mandy realizes that rash is most likely a result of the flea medicine that is labeled with approximately 1 million warnings.
17. Mandy finally takes a shower.
18. Rash is starting to go away.
19. F'ing dog gave me a rash! Now I'm dirty rash girl!
20. Maybe this (like the sunburn I got last summer that made my face swell and my eyes turn squinty made me wear sunscreen) will actually make me see the value in showering daily.

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