
30 August 2009

Summer Goals

It happened. My summer came to a screeching halt. I knew that it would happen, but kept myself in denial. Still, I am thankful that the career I chose comes with lots of days off; most people only get a couple of weeks, if that. My official position is grateful yet whiny.

At the beginning of the summer, I set some goals. Let's see how that went. . .

  1. Learn to sew. Make some curtains. Nope. But I have thought about doing this a lot, figured out what I want to do, and looked many times for the perfect fabric.
  2. Make the back yard less of a jungle. Check. This was more because of our property manager than it was because of me. And don't even get me started on how they chopped the hydrangea bush.
  3. Eat healthy and lose some weight. Ha ha ha ha ha! No. But I did take many a long nap on the couch with the dog. That counts, right?
  4. Shred, elipt, and walk/jog. Not only did I not exercise daily, but my tennis shoes have been in the trunk of my car since July 9 and haven't escaped.
  5. Relax. Check. Check, check, check, check. . .
  6. Cook. One hundred checks.
  7. Re-tool my 12th grade class. No, but it's fine because I'm not teaching 12th grade this year. In fact, it's good that I didn't do this one because I probably would've been pissed.
  8. Get caught up with my correspondance. Facebook counts for this, right? Then check.
  9. Go to the beach every Monday. Half check. We did go many Mondays, not as many as I would have liked, though.
  10. Steal my sister. We had her for a couple of weeks. A lovely and happy couple of weeks. (This one remains a big goal of mine.)
  11. Buy Punch Out for the Wii. Beat Matt at the game. Check and no. Refer to previous post about my glimpse into the world of adolescent Matt.
  12. Celebrate our 2nd wedding anniversary in style. Done and done.
  13. Sleep in every day. Ten million checks.

All in all, I had a great summer vacation. Only 37 more weeks of work until I get to enjoy another!

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