
21 August 2009


My apologies for the lack of posting this week. This is my last week before I must return to school, so I'm trying to enjoy my freedom, soaking up the last moments of August. But, in bullets, here is what we have been up to:

  • Sleeping. We have been spending extraordinary amounts of time sleeping, even for us. We're not sick of sleep-deprived or anything--just lazy and big fans of long naps.
  • Eating. We had Fresh Market steaks twice in a week.
  • Dreaming. Actually, nightmaring. About an hour ago I was having a dream that a scary clown that I had openly mocked robbed a bank I was in, and then I had to escape with Ken Jennings from Jeopardy!.
  • Snuggling. Unsurprisingly, Mitch remains the cutest dog on the planet.
  • Watching TV. We're currently obsessed with Top Chef, Friday Night Lights, season 3 of Dexter, and True Blood.
  • Eating. We're fat.
  • Working. Booo. Where's my winning lottery ticket?
  • Debating. Can Matt and Mandy be happy with parenthood if we have just one child?
  • Decorating. I'm trying to make our office look like something that would not be a part of the set of The Wonder Years.
  • Hosting. Matt's good friend came to visit this week. The visit was short, but very fun.
  • Drinking. Too much.
  • Nursing. Hangovers. PS--the bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich has become my hangover cure!

I may elaborate on some of these in the future. Have a happy Friday and a great weekend!

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