
02 September 2009

. . .and the insides are filled with my blood!

Back to school = major readjustment period.

It means having to go to bed early. It means having to wake up early. It means seeing Matt less. It means listening to ninth graders chattering for hours a day. These readjustments can be painful for me. The most painful one, though, is getting used to wearing shoes again.

I bought these shoes at the beginning of the summer, and I hadn't really had a chance to wear them until today. Aren't they cute?

Tiny little heel. . .

Pretty bow, rounded toe, nice details.

I wore them for the first time today, partly to provide some relief from yesterday's hours of walking around in heels. Plus, I knew that I'd be spending a chunk of my day today hauling textbooks across the school, so I thought the flats would be more practical than my other footwear choices.

I was wrong.

What I didn't realize (because Nine West must have forgotten to add this to the description) is that as soon as my foot would enter the shoe, the shoe would contract, and tiny razor blades would emerge. I believe that these shoes were actually intended for the prisoners at Gitmo, although forcing prisoners to wear them is likely a violation of the Geneva Conventions.

I walked about two miles in these shoes of death today, applied many a bandaid to my raw heel, and suffered several broken toes from trying to favor the heel.

Monica: The guy who made these hates feet and wants to see them die!
Rachel: Well-well you can give them to me! I haven’t felt my feet in years!
Monica: I can’t! I spent so much money on them and I told Chandler that I’d wear them all the time, I just can’t give them away!
Phoebe: Well then get your money back and return them!
Monica: I can’t do that either! The soles are already a little scuffed up and the insides are filled with my blood!

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