
22 September 2009

Beth and Olivier's Wedding!

After spending approximately 30 hours in a car, drinking approximately 30 gallons of alcohol, reuniting with old friends, consuming our weight in fast food and Cherry Coke Zero, and listening to every podcast known to man--WE'RE HOME!

Horray for home and dogs, comfortable beds and powerful water pressure.

This weekend the Matt and I drove to New Jersey to attend the wedding of our friend Bethy Pooh and her Olivier. This was our first time meeting Olivier; he didn't attend our wedding because he was off doing AIDS relief in Africa. What a terrible excuse! We had a cotton candy machine, didn't he know that??

But I digress. The wedding was a whopping success. It was sincere. It was unique. It had some European flair. (Olivier's family is from Belgium.) In short, it was well worth 30 hours in a car.

Beth's veil was an heirloom from Olivier's family. It was hundreds of years old or something.

And what's a wedding without a pup? Meet Captain, the son of Olivier and Beth.

Beth was gorgeous. Beth's always been a nice lookin' gal, but usually she tries to hide it by wearing rags, looking dissheveled with her hair messed up, and eating food without utensils. (It's not Medieval Times, Beth!)

Glowing, I tell you.

As the night progressed, and so did my drunkenness, I believe I ate some of the peppers off of these centerpieces. I also ate a roll that was sitting on a table and had a bite taken out of it already. That's what mixing your alcohols will do to you!

There was some Belgian human tossing.

The favor was honey from Olivier's family's hives. Yeah, they have their own hives and bees. (I have six bottles of this honey now. Anyone have good honey recipes?)

I like looking at how she's holding him in this one.

I remember when Bethy first met Olivier, and how she called me, frantic, explaining that she thought she'd met her soulmate. And she's not an emotional sapfest girl or anything. They share common quirks and neurosis, they're both scientist doctor-type space cadets, and they're GOOFY. GOOFY GOOFY. More goofy, probably, than anyone you've ever met or will ever meet. Watching them together--dancing, talking, petting the dog--made me believe that she was right. Our Bethy found her soulmate, and his name is Olivier.
Happy marriage!
Belgians dancing below:

Matt: If there was a TV channel called "Belgian People Dancing," I would subscribe to it, even if it was $200 a month.