
26 September 2009

Voice Mail from Mitch

"Hey, Mama, it's me, Mitch. Um, so, I was just wondering what you were doing. . .I was kind of bored here at home. Not a lot of kids or cats walking by the house, so I haven't had to bark at too many people. . .Those green bones you got me are SOOO good. Where did you get those? Oh, and also I ate them in the bed and I got some green gunk all over your white sheets and duvet cover, so you might want to pick up some stain remover or something if you stop by Target. . .
. . .Oh, and um, I was reading that 500 Cupcakes book that Aunt Christina sent. Oh man, it was making me so hungry! I think we should make some when you get home. I really like these pink ones with the little silver things on top. They're sooooo funny. . .
. . .Anyway, well, um, give me a call back or text me. I gotta go bark at the mailman now. Oh man, I'm such a stereotype! Love you!"

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