
19 October 2009

Entertainment Week in Review

My musings on this week's entertainment:
  • Yay for the return of 30 Rock. It never disappoints. Tracy Jordan, you are a delight.
  • Are there two more loathsome people than The City's Olivia and Roxy?
  • Oh, yes, there are. They are Lance and Keri from Amazing Race. Fortunately for all of us, they were the last team to arrive, and they have been eliminated from the race. But who will be there to supply us with 'roid rage and arm bandanas?
  • Maybe idiot Michael from Top Chef. (Not younger brother Michael--idiot "I-am-so-much-better-than-everyone-else-here" Michael. I think he may be Lance's brother.) This week we get to watch restaurant wars, and the Matt and I can't wait.
  • We went to see Where the Wild Things Are today. I would tell you all about it, but I fell asleep for about 30-45 minutes in the middle of the movie, so I don't really know what happened. I do know that it made me cry four different times, it stars the cutest kid on the planet, it has a great soundtrack, and it is visually stunning. Maybe I'll be able to convince Matt to write a review of it, and he can share all of his smart boy insights.

What have you been watching, reading, or listening to?


  1. I'm super happy that Lance and Keri were eliminated! His attitude and her voice were killing me.

    Mike Isabella also needs to be cut. Perhaps this is the week that Padma tells him "pack your knives and go."

  2. This is a post from Matt, right?

  3. Yes, Mary, we need to get rid of stupid Mike. Fingers crossed!

    And at this point I'm cheering for the Globetrotters, or Matt and his dad. I hate the poker players. I want them gone.

  4. The poker players do nothing for me. I like Matt and his dad, aka Pinky and the brain. I also like Megan and Cheyne (thought I would love it if his name were not spelled like that). Mika and Canan annoy me too.

    You watch Project Runway, right?

  5. I don't watch Project Runway, but I hear that I should. We're about to start Always Sunny in Philadelphia, so our TV viewing plate is pretty full right now.

    What'd you think of restaurant wars?

  6. I liked Restaurant Wars! I think it's interesting how the Voltaggio brothers interact sometimes. I like Bryan, but does he ever smile??

    The blue team just had a terrible night. I like Kevin a lot and I like Jen, though she's not very warm. Mike Isabella I've been done with for awhile and Robyn is pretty annoying too.

    What did you think?

  7. Yeah, I'm with you. Matt and I believe the final four will be the Volt brothers, Jen, and Kevin.

    Can't wait to watch tonight's episode. (It's recording right now. I can't stand to watch commercials anymore.)
