
18 October 2009

Homemade Cookbook: Done and Done

I was so pissed at myself the other day after I laminated the homemade cookbook I'd been putting together for Bethy.

I mean, did I really need to make it look like a project from vacation bible school?

And then, last night in the middle of a cupcake-making frenzy, I remembered why I had laminated it in the first place, even if the whole thing did turn into a huge debacle.

This is why.

Yes, I was drunk, and yes, I had three-year olds helping me. But there is a value to having recipes that can be wiped clean. Especially for someone like Beth, who is clumsy and rarely uses eating utensils.

So, although the project is a little more elementary school than I had envisioned, I think it turned out pretty nice. I even used it last night when making pork stew, but don't tell Beth.

I love the binder clips.

Ingredients on one side, directions on the other. Hopefully functional.

And I also love the patterns and colors of the paper.

Hopefully Beth and Olivier will love the recipes, and will get fat as a result. They're too skinny.


  1. You can make me one of your homemade cookbooks anytime! ;)

  2. this is really cute mandy...nice crafty post! Thanks for sharing so much good stuff on your blog:)

  3. Thanks ladies! The cookbook is growing on me. I guess I should hurry up and get it in the mail before I decide to just keep it (eek!).

    Hope you are both doing well!

  4. Just saw this. Thanks for laminating, it works well and is delicious and Olivier prefers when I use cookbooks instead of our computer to spill ingredients on.
