
11 October 2009

On Collars: A Post from Mitch

Hey guys, it's me, Mitch. I haven't really been posting too much lately because I've been so busy barking at the squirrels in the back yard. I mean, those squirrels are ALL OVER the place, and they keep throwing acorns at me. I hate squirrels. They're right up there with cats.

Anyway, today I was going to show you my collection of collars. I have lots of collars. I'm kind of like Madeleine Albright with her pins; my collar indicates my mood. (PS--I'm pretty sure I'm taller than Madeleine Albright.)

Anyway, look at some of these cool collars I have. All of my collars but one came from Old Navy--before Old Navy started to suck. I must say, the quality of the collars at Old Navy has really been declining in the past few years. . . But that's a rant for another time.

Back to collars.

This is my holly collar. Obviously, I wear this one during the holiday season. It's probably my least favorite collar.

I really love this striped collar. It really complements my eyes and coloring, and I always get compliments when I wear it about what a handsome dog I am.

This blue one's pretty cool. It's plain, but some of the bitches like plain.

This is one of my favorites. This is my tie collar, and I wear it whenever I have to go to the office or attend a conference for work. This collar means business, and I look dapper whenever I'm wearing it.

Today I put on my Halloween collar. I love the skulls, and people really fear me when I'm wearing this one. Added bonus--the skulls glow in the dark. It really freaks out my mom and dad.

I've been wearing my James Madison University collar a lot lately. Even though I didn't go to James Madison, my mom and dad did, and I went there once to visit. They have the best grass and hills!
This afternoon I put on my Halloween collar with my JMU one. When it gets cooler outside, sometimes I'll dress in layers like this.

And my mom and I took a three-hour snuggle nap. When I looked up at her, I noticed that she was wearing a JMU tshirt. "Hmph," I thought to myself. "Is Mama trying to be me?"
And then she commented on my Halloween collar and wardrobe choice, and I think she got an idea. I hate it when Mama gets ideas, unless those ideas are about making me food or taking me for walks or car rides.
And the next thing I knew, there was Mama, wearing those damned pants she hasn't taken off since Thursday, the ones with the skulls on them. SHE IS TRYING TO BE ME!

I told her she better change her clothes immediately because it's so embarrassing when a dog and dog mom are dressed alike. I'll never be able to show my face at the park again!

But she refused. I'm so mad right now. Just wait until I tell Daddy about this.

You know how much I hate cats. The worst kind of cat? A copy cat. Hear that, Mama? You're the worst kind of cat!

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