
01 October 2009

Sorry World--Not Pregnant.

This summer I snagged this shirt at the Gap. It was a steal and it was eyelet cotton. Oh, eyelet cotton, how I love thee. . .

And the shirt looks exactly like this on me. Oh no, wait. No it doesn't. I love the shirt because it's loose and makes me feel like I should be running through a meadow full of flowers. It also makes me look tan. But the shirt isn't all roses and sunshine. . .

Because it also makes me look pregnant--like 5 months pregnant. I mean, I haven't really been doing much to make myself look not pregnant, well with my diet of cupcakes and cheese. But every time I wear this shirt at least one person will run up to me and excitedly ask, "You're pregnant?"

So for the record, world, internet, coworkers, students, friends, and people on the street--I AM NOT PREGNANT. NOT PREGNANT!

But I will keep wearing the shirt, because I love it.

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