
08 October 2009

Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Week

This has been a terrible horrible no good very bad week. It's just sucked. I've been swamped at work, swamped at home, tired, grumpy, and intolerant. Listening to 14-year olds whine for hours and hours hasn't helped, and neither has my never-ending mountain of laundry that, for some reason, refuses to fold itself and put itself away.

What really sucks is that I'm actually having a better week than some of my friends, and I'm being a big whiny baby about mine.

The sulking needs to stop, and I need to crawl out of my grump slump. But how?

It starts with a glass of wine, continues with a good cry and venting on paper (I wrote a two-page list of things I hate), then another glass of wine, then an episode of Friday Night Lights, then a delicious dinner of fajitas! with Matt. That was last night. Today I bribed myself (I allowed myself $30 in unnecessary purchases from Target) so that I would be productive, took the pup for a walk on a gorgeous day, and laid in the grass at the park.

How can I ever be a grump when I look at this face every day?

So many smells!

And never underestimate the effectiveness of retail therapy. I bought these pajama pants at Target. (Don't tell Matt; I already own approximately 894 pairs of pajama pants.)
And I made these cookies that I've been dreaming of since the weekend (thanks, Carly).

Tomorrow's Friday, and I'll be happy to bid farewell to this shitfest of a week. Goodbye, shitfest week. And leave me alone! I've got cookies, new pajamas, and a snugglin' dog. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, week of October 5-9!


  1. Those cookies are pretty good, right? :)

  2. Huh. This has been my worst week this year, too. Wonder if it's World Wide Week of Shit?
