
05 November 2009

It's [almost] the [second] Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

(Because we all know that summer is the most wonderful time of the year.)

The Christmas/Thanksgiving combo is a close second, though.

Hey, is it time to start watching Elf yet?


Fifth day of self improvement plan. So far, so good. To reward myself for keeping to the plan, I allowed myself to spend money on useless stuff. For the record, spending money on useless stuff directly contradicts the principles of the plan.

My Target shopping experience tonight was one of those moments where I judge myself. Kind of like when I say "cute" too many times in a conversation, or when I talk too much during a movie, or when I leave dishes in the sink overnight, or when I accidentally say "ax" instead of "ask" (it has happened), or when I use too many exclamation points.

Tonight, on November 5, I bought Christmas ornaments. Do I need Christmas ornaments? No. Not in the least. At 28 years old, I already have two large boxes of holiday crap.

But these little felt friends are so fun!

Just wait until they meet Salty Snowman and Pepper Penguin!

I'm a damned hypocrite.


  1. Oh my god, I love Elf! So funny. It is one of many Christmas movies I must watch each year.

  2. Oh indeed! Sometimes when I'm in a bad mood and need a pick me up, I'll watch it. And I listen to the soundtrack year round.

    I might have to watch it tonight!
