
03 November 2009

Productive Like Monica

Day three of the self-improvement plan, and I'm a regular Monica Geller. Man, do I ever feel improved! I was so busy improving and organizing and being productive yesterday that I didn't even have time to blog! Since Sunday I have:
  • not taken a single nap (this is a much bigger accomplishment than it may seem!)
  • gone to bed much earlier (between 11:30 and 12:30--not early per se, but way better than my previous 2:00 bedtime)
  • ellipted every day (so that I can eat the entire bowl of Halloween candy and sleep like a champion)
  • turned in my first quarter grades two days early (and was crazy productive all around at school)
  • grocery shopped for the next 2 1/2 weeks (meal planning extraordinaire!)
  • forced myself to get up 10 minutes earlier than my usual wake-up time (this is the biggest achievement of them all--next thing you know I'll be showering daily!)
  • packed my lunch for school (to prevent ravenous inhalations of food upon returning home)
  • still found time to snuggle with a dog (my life's purpose)

I don't have to go to school tomorrow (horray for furloughs?), so I'm really looking forward to sleeping in, enjoying the crisp air and the quiet no-screaming-teenagers Wednesday, and, of course, being even more productive.

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