
01 November 2009

Sunday Self-Improvement

I've been in a funk lately. It's been nothing horrible, but I've just fallen into old, bad habits: taking coma naps every day, eating terrible food, neglecting to exercise, etc. Basically, I've lost the routine on which I thrive.

Saturday night I decided that it was self-improvement time. Time to stop being a disgusting lazy fatbody, time to get myself together, to re-energize, and be more productive.

In short, I need to go from being one of these. . .

To being this.

And I can do it. The funny thing is, it won't even be all that hard. It'll require a little extra planning, and a little action, but in the end I'll feel better and sleep better and get more done. Hopefully I won't be such a cranky bitch, too. (Let's be realistic. I'm always going to have some element of cranky bitch, but maybe the exercise and healthy eating and being on the ball will tone it down.)

What does this self-improvement plan include, you ask? Here it goes.
  • No more coma naps
  • No more going to bed at 2 am
  • No more meals of candy bars and/or cookies, and or cookies that are made with candy bars
  • More exercise
  • Thorough meal planning
  • Walks with the pup every day after school (to replace the nap, though I doubt that the walks will ever be the four hours that the naps were)

It is imperative that I get myself back on track before the holidays; otherwise I will fall into an even deeper fat spiral.

Self-improvement plan started today. Today I

  • Took the pup for a long walk
  • Showered
  • Did all of the laundry, and folded it, too
  • Ellipted for thirty minutes
  • Graded stacks upon stacks of papers
  • Scrubbed the refrigerator
  • Cleaned out the pantry
  • Lunched with a friend (AT TACO BELL! Woot, woot!)
  • Only ate about five miniature candy bars
  • Began to plan Christmas gifts

And you know what? It's started to pay off already.

I love laundry earnings.

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