
26 November 2009

"Total Eclipse of the Heart"--Literal Version

One of Matt's favorite songs is "Total Eclipse of the Heart." If you get him in just the right mood, he'll do a dramatic interpretation of the song for you. But it's got to be just the right mood.

Chloe once commented that "Total Eclipse of the Heart" is the perfect song for ice skating. (She then proceeded to guide her Bratz dolls through an ice-skating routine.) Jordan, our gigantic brother, responded,

"Yeah, it's what I do all my ribbon dances to."

Yay. Of course, this was during wedding preparation time so we had a ton of ribbon on hand. We tied some to a spatula, and Jordan entertained us all, gracefully ribbon dancing throughout my grandmother's kitchen. I laughed until it hurt, and it was one of the happiest moments of my life.

Later, we came across the literal interpretation of the video. If you haven't seen it before, you're in for a treat. If you have, watch it again. After all, it's Thanksgiving. What else do you have to do?

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