
08 December 2009

Christmas Card Photo Hell

I got a bug up my ass the other day that we needed to take a good Christmas card picture. I had a great idea to do one with us wearing Snuggies, complete with Mitch in a Snuggie for Dogs, on some bleachers cheering.

But that was too much work, and would require me buying two more Snuggies. Plus, Matt doesn't have a lot of patience for a Christmas card photo session.

So I searched online for ideas. It did not go well.

First, there were the little angels.

Now, we did share some laughs picturing ourselves dressed as angels, with a swaddled dog in a manger. But we don't have angel costumes or a manger, and we didn't think Mitch would be wild about being swaddled.

Then there was the "us surrounded by Christmas icons" picture. I thought this was pretty fun, but I don't have Photoshop, so it was a no go.
I REALLY liked this idea, but we don't have any human children.

And this one was just a little too punny. Plus, it'd be hard to fit either Mitch or Matt into one of my mixing bowls.

And so I sat us down in the house for a little photo session, but it was a bust. It ended with me getting frustrated, determined to buy a new camera, new face, and new body. I pouted on the couch for an hour afterward.

So today I turned to my #1 photo subject, Mitch. And while he was "less than enthusiastic" (that's how Cassie described their cat's reaction to the new puppy, and I thought it was hilarious) about it, he cooperated more than his father does.

Of course, I think this is the "stink eye" to which Juno referred.
And he was bored.

He gave me much more to work with.

Yeah, and I took Christ out of Christmas and replaced it with Mitch. Take that, Baptist school!


  1. AHHAHAHAAA! Those pictures are great! I'm def going to duck tape my children's mouths one day! :)

    I like the ones of Mitchy! Another excellent camera job, lady.


  2. I wanted to post again with my new holiday appropriate picture.

  3. I'm so pissed I didn't know about "Mitchmas" until after we did our Christmas cards. As Iris would say: oh, hell.
    Also, this blog is the highlight of my day (especially when you dress Smitch in Christmas lights). Except when you post photos of white cockroaches; then it is the lowlight. Basically, your blog has neutralized itself today.

  4. Caitie: YES on the holiday appropriate picture! It makes my heart happy.

    Cassie: just be happy you weren't the one who saw (and killed) the white cockroach. I was with Lois trying to come up with ways to kill it. BUT, Mitch in Mitchmas lights is pretty fun, too. (I didn't see your whole comment before because I read it on my phone and it cut it off, apparently. Yes, it is funny.)

    Both: I just made hundreds of dog treats for your furbabies.
