
18 December 2009

Snowman Cupcakes

Inspired by my friend Martha, I decided to make some holiday cupcakes. I was fond of this snowman cuteness, and thought to myself, "How hard can it be?"

The answer? Hard. Yeah, Martha claims that you just squeeze the top marshmallow to make it smaller. Maybe it's because my marshmallows were Kroger brand, but those babies wouldn't shrink for anything. (I can't decide whether to make a dirty joke or a self-depricating joke about fatness here.)

My attempts (and my Reese's cup hat) were, well, less than good. My snowman looked more like a hobo, and nobody wants to eat hobo cupcakes.

So I opted for just the face. Chocolate sprinkles for eyes, cut up pieces of an orange Starburst for noses.

And soon I was looking at an army of snowmen.

Tonight's baking also afforded me the opportunity to use the pretty Christmasy sprinkles my Grandma Carol gave me. They're BEAUTIFUL!

Once I got all of the cupcakes loaded, I just stared at the box, patting myself on the back. I think I need to go work at Back in the Day Bakery.

Happy Friday to you! Today is my last day of school until 2010 (!), so I'm a happy, happy girl.


  1. They look great! What flavor were they?? I'm a BIG cupcake maker these days....

  2. Vanilla with cream cheese icing. I use Martha Stewart's versatile vanilla cake recipe. Ooh, what kind of cupcakes have you been making?
