
25 January 2010

Richmond It Is!

No, not really. Don't get your hopes up just yet, Mid-Atlantic-ers.

Let's rewind to Valentine's Day 2000, freshman year at JMU.

I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day. I wasn't when I was single, and I'm not now that I'm not. I think it's pretty stupid, really. Plus, I'm not that into hearts or the color red, so, eh.

What I AM a fan of is boys who sing. (Lucky for me I married one of the country's greatest singer/songwriters, a man whose hits include "All I Need is a Mitchacle" and "Blinded by the Dog.") And even though I know it's cheesy as can be, I love me some all male a capella singing. Like love love.

And on Valentine's Day ten years ago, all of JMU's a capella groups put on a Valentine's concert. I went with a hoard of my friends (hoard of whores?), and we sat there for several hours with our eyes wide open and giant smiles on our faces, watching cute boys sing love songs.

My favorite group was Exit 245.

And thanks to the wonder that is Facebook, I've found a picture from that night. That guy in the middle, the one wearing the wings, the one my friends and I called "Wing Boy" for the next decade, his name is Jeff. Maybe I stalked him? Just a little?

But that boy all the way to the left? His name is Matty F. He was the first Matty F. that I almost married. (True story. Even though he doesn't really prefer the company of women, we almost got married during college in an attempt to get better financial aid and to be able to register.) That Matty F., the cute singing one who was sassy as could be, worked with me at BW3 and became one of my good friends. He called me Keaton (it was at the height of my Family Ties obsession), and we called him Focker (or sometimes we'd change the vowel).

Focker graduated from JMU and began a career in education, and after several years, decided that he hated it. So he decided to pursue his dream: to open a cupcakery, Frostings.

And I'm so proud of him! My own cupcaking obsession stems from my desire to go to Frostings every day. (Since I can't make the 8-hour drive every day of my life, I had to learn to bake. It's served me well--well, except for that whole "Wii Fit calling me obese" part.)

Check out Matty's apple cupcake! Focking amazing!

Okay, now here's why I have decided that the Matty F. that I actually did marry and I are going to be moving to Richmond. Tonight I went to Frostings website and saw this:

Forget Flowers... Surprise Your Love with Cupcakes and a Song

Cupid's Choice Cupcakes (choose half or full dozen)

Delivery to his/her home or office

Serenade performed by the Cupcake Duet

Personalized note card

Long stemmed rose

Valentine's Memory to Last a Lifetime

$49 (half dozen)

$59 (full dozen)

Supply is Limited

Email us for availability and song list

Soooooo, let me get this straight: cupcakes and singing boys? Would the cupcake duet sing "All I Need Is a Mitchacle"?

It's settled. We're moving to Richmond--by Valentine's Day. Maybe I do love this holiday!


  1. How FUN!!!! And that apple cupcake is amazing! Memoriessss

  2. Oh Focker!!!!!!! I love it....I sure do miss those days of slinging incredibly large glasses of beer, and cleaning up sticky wing tables.....

  3. I get a little nostalgic, I must admit. Though, I think my body would completely revolt if I tried to put it through another one of those shifts. They were brutal!
