
30 January 2010

Saturday Ramblings

January has been a crazy month for Matt, Mandy, and Mitch. If all goes according to plan, though, February will be much more relaxed. With work and life being so crazy, I haven't found much time to blog. (I also haven't found time to take the load of laundry out of the dryer--the same load of laundry that's been there since Sunday night.) My brain is fried, the school year is officially half-way over, and my house is 65% wreck. But it should get better soon. Until then. .

  • Last night, I had a dream that I was on a road trip with my girlfriends and we stopped at a farm and saw hot-air balloon races. Races! Oh, and I think there were guns, and Obam'.
  • Speaking of Obam', how about that question and answer session yesterday? I want to kiss him on the forehead, and then have him flash that winning smile. Whether we agree on the politics or not, I think we can all agree that that man has an amazing smile.

  • And speaking of smiles, the other night we watched Julie & Julia. I wish that it had only been Julia. Julie sucked. I couldn't wipe the big grin off my face during Meryl Streep's scenes, but allowed my face time to rest during Amy Adams' scenes of suck.

  • Mitch is still the cutest dog on the planet. No surprises there.
  • Yet again, it's snowing everywhere else and not here. F'ing Savannah.
  • We've been eating slightly better. In fact, last night we went grocery shopping [for the first time in almost a month], and we have a menu of pretty healthy meals planned for the next couple of weeks. For tonight: spicy pork stew.
  • Have grand plans to get back to posting recipes on here. During the last week, most of our meals have been pasta with parmesan cheese, and I expect that you already know how to make that.

Well, I'm off to enjoy a productive Saturday [hopefully]. First up: getting that load of laundry out of the dryer.

Have a great weekend, and make a snow angel for me if you can!


  1. You're so right. I would have watched "Julia". Julie was a whiny brat. Also, the real Julie cheated on her husband with someone from the blog (or so I heard). Doesn't that make you not like her even more?

    I just want to watch Meryl Streep all the time. My dream movie: Meryl and Sandra Bullock team up. I have a girlcrush on Sandra since The Blind Side.

  2. I am barely surviving the snowpocalypse. Sorry that God doesn't care about you guys.

    And, I am in love with Amy Adams. While I haven't, and hopefully never will, seen Julie and Julia, Amy Adams is hotness. I give her work a pass.

  3. I am usually a fan of Amy Adams as well, but in this movie she was just a pile of suck. She was whiny and didn't even look cute. Plus, there was no amazing transformation to compensate for her suckiness at the beginning. To be fair, it's got to be hard to be the contrast to Streep's Child. (And from what Caitie is saying, the true life Julie sucked even more than the movie one!)

    I am so jealous of all of your snow. If we didn't have so much to do right now, I'd hop in the car and drive north.
