
01 February 2010

More Proof that Dogs Are Better than Babies

On the eve of our dog child's sixth birthday (42!), we give you a smiling dog (I dare you not to smile when you watch her), Mitch's Japanese dog girlfriend:

AND, a link to a really cool article, "The Rise of Dog Identity Politics", as featured on Daily Dish.

Quick quote:

"Oxytocin is the most important social-bonding hormone, present notably between mother and child but also in just about any interaction involving pair bonding, social affiliation, and trust. More specifically, it’s involved with the gaze between infants and mothers. Researchers at Azabu University in Japan found last year that the dog’s gaze at its owner increases the owner’s oxytocin level."

I believe it. That pup, with his cute ears and his dog smiles and his snugglin', has made our lives better for six years now. (Well, six years minus some weeks--the Mitchaversary isn't until the end of March.)

Tomorrow's plan: buy a new Kong for the dog (to keep him busy during Lost) and some homemade pupcakes (bacon chicken pupcakes, to be exact).

1 comment:

  1. I am in LOVE with that dog!! It just warmed my heart! I want Pheebs to smile!! :)
