
02 March 2010

Cupcake Wars!

There's a lot that sucks about getting older (slower metabolism, loss of memory, gray hair, pain where there didn't used to be pain, etc.), but it's got its perks, too.

One of the greatest joys of getting older, to me, is watching my friends get older and, in the process, do amazing things. My friends have pursued their dreams, taken risks, and grown into impressive adults. They're doctors, and lawyers, and scientists, and teachers, and bakers, and small business owners, and parents, and writers, and people who work hard to make the world just a little bit better. My friends are smart and creative and challenge me to do better and be better.

Sometimes it's hard to believe that we've all grown so, but it makes me smile when I think about it.

One such friend is one I've mentioned here before, the other Matty F. that I almost married. Matty F.'s cupcakery, Frostings, is his own dream come true. I swell with pride when I see what he's done. (My body also swells with fat, because anytime I think about Frostings I want to bake, and then I do, and then I eat too much.) Matty's currently auditioning for Food Network's Cupcake Wars, and if you've got five minutes, you should check out his audition video. If you live anywhere near Richmond, you should go buy some cupcakes from him. (I will be there over spring break. Maybe we should all arrange a field trip?)

Best of luck, Focker!

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