
09 March 2010

I Heart Grandma and Grandpa.

It’s been a while since you’ve heard anything from Grandma Carol and Grandpa B., so I thought I’d fill you in with snippets from Grandma’s emails. It’s funny; as I grow older I think that she’s the one I have most in common with, the one I’ll likely resemble more and more.

Loved the video for Cupcake Wars..........I will watch for it on Food Network. Also, Andy Rooney is one of my favorites................

Beautiful day here today.........about 60 degrees and sunny..........I am ready for Spring. Going to Las Vegas, next Tues for a week of basketball, bingo and slots! Wahooo!

I made some killer green chile chicken enchiladas yesterday ..........along with a tamale pie.........both turned out very well. Grandpa does not eat Mexican...

…….Then went to the mall and did a little shopping...........stuff for my trip. Always think I need something new when I take a trip and also wanted a gift for my friend. I really hate the mall, but once or twice a year is tolerable.

I will be sending you a small package in the next day or two via UPS.........I will let you know what the expected arrival date is so that you can be watching for it.
More Later, Love, Grandma Carol

I am off and, Wal-Mart etc to get things for my trip. I leave early Tues. morning.

Paper says Lobo fans are going to take over Las Vegas! They expect 4 to 5,000 from Albuq. Hope they don't get too rowdy and cause some kind of incident! I had a dream last nite that I was playing some king of fortune teller slot machine and won $600,000.00................wouldn't that be something! Maybe it is a good omen..HA
Grandpa is going sailing.........his Sat afternoon pastime.

Also, I forgot to tell you........Grandpa mailed your surprise package on Thurs, but by regular mail not UPS as I would have done..........not a big deal...........just be aware it may be there the end of next week...........
The PO is one of my pet peeves..........not dependable, keep raising rates and less service. Now they want to quit delivering on Sat! What a bunch of crap...........Later, Grandma Carol

I talked to them on the phone Saturday, and Grandpa was telling me all about his day racing his remote-control sailboats with his remote-control sailboat racing club. (Seriously, I want to retire, like. . .now.) He said he’d had a great day sailing, and it was even more exciting because he came in third place. Of course, he said, only three people were racing.

Then he was telling me about how the club has fewer members now than it did a few years back. He thought that the members had tired of sailboat racing; Grandma says they’ve just all died.

Grandma--hope you're having fun in Vegas. Go Lobos! Also, would you please win that $600,000 and share some with me?

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