
24 March 2010

Pizza Tracks

Okay, so I've discussed my love of pizza ad nauseum here (and here and here).  Why is it so good?  I don't know.  But I like it hot and fresh, and cold, and stale, and burnt.  It really doesn't matter. 

And, noting my recent homemade pizza kick, my wonderful Matthew returned home today with some birthday gifts from Kitchenware Outfitters.  (Kitchenware Outfitters is one of my favorite stores in Savannah.  It's cute, has great products, and has the best customer service around.)  Among those gifts was a fancy pizza cutter, this one by Rosle.  Apparently this pizza cutter will outlive me and Matt and all of my students.  They're guaranteed for two lifetimes!  Two lifetimes!  Matt said that they had him at "German engineering."  This is the heaviest and sharpest pizza cutter I've ever seen, and in addition to using it to slice pizza, I will be able to ward off any murderer who tries to come into the house and kill me.

So that was super exciting, and I have a feeling that there's some homemade pizza in my future.  (I hope that there's no forced-entry-by-murderer in my future.  But, if there is, I'm prepared.)

What's just as exciting is also pizza-related. 

Generally, I would prefer to eat homemade pizza, or pizza from a local place (like Vinnie's or Screaming Mimi's, etc.).  But, those places don't usually deliver to our house, and if they do, they're way overpriced.  And, I really like Domino's.  Domino's is by far my favorite chain pizza place.  By far.

And I've been a fan of Domino's since childhood, since the Avoid the Noid campaign.  Hell, Jordan and I even rented the Avoid the Noid video game for our original Nintendo system. 

Last night Cassie came over for dinner, and since we didn't have any dinner planned other than leftovers, we decided to order pizza--from Domino's.  And I'm so happy we did.

I'm so happy, also, that I ordered it online, because I had the most fun pizza ordering experience of my life.  The Domino's website is awesome!  You get to pick your pizza and your toppings, and you build your virtual pizza.  Pepperoni?  Just click it and beautiful little pepperoni will appear on your pizza.  Onions on half?  Done. 

Did Cassie and I play with the site for ten minutes before finally ordering?  Yes, yes we did.

But the best part of all was the tracker.  The tracker told us when our pizza was being prepped, baked, boxed, and delivered.  It would say, "April put your pizza in the oven at 7:41 p.m." and "April checked your pizza for perfection at 7:52 p.m."  Hey, thanks, April!

And our pizza got to us in about twenty minutes, and then Cassie and I each ate about five slices.  And then we ordered pizza again just for the fun of it.

In the future, I'm going to have to put in a special request that Domino's leave my pizza unsliced, though, because I've got the greatest pizza cutter in the world, and I want to do it myself.

1 comment:

  1. I did the Domino's online ordering thing when I lived in Tampa, and the last step was, "Pablo is delivering your pizza." So when the doorbell rang I answered it, "Pablo, What's up?!" and scared the hell out of poor Pablo who never quite figured out how I knew his name. It was certainly entertaining for me though.
