
03 April 2010

For Real, Though, Who Threw That Pan at Me?

Spring break has been spectacular.  The weather has been so perfect that it's seemed fake, I've got a tiny bit of sunburn on the backs of my legs--not enough to hurt, but enough to remind me that summer is fast approaching--and I haven't been this relaxed in a loooooooooooong time.  I'd be a damned liar if I didn't admit that I miss my child:

But my birthday gift from Matt's parents is helping to soothe the pain.  If I haven't said it before, I have some of the greatest in-laws around. 
This has nothing to do with anything, really, but I want to share a story.  Back at JMU, one of my friends was buying beer at the local Food Lion.  Ahead of her in line was a gigantic woman wearing a mu-mu (moo-moo?) who was buying a single toothbrush.  When she moved forward to pay for her toothbrush, an entire ham fell out from underneath her mu-mu.  She looked around, seemingly surprised, and yelled out, "FOR REAL, THOUGH, WHO THREW THAT HAM AT ME?"

Happy Easter!

(Matt and I spent the last two hours watching Breaking Bad, and now we're watching What a Girl Wants.  I'm definitely having bad dreams tonight.)

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