
23 June 2010

Mandy's Famous Raspberry Sorbet

It's no secret that I've gone a little apeshit with my ice cream maker.  I've made a lot of really great stuff, and some not as great stuff.  After making three types of sorbet, I decided that it was high time that I invent my own recipe.  I mean, I'd been reading other peoples' recipes, and decided that I could do it better.

And I did.

Because this might just be the best recipe in the history of the world.  Like of all time.  Like, I've had to muster up all of my self-control to keep from eating all of it. 

The good news is that I could eat all of it, and it probably wouldn't be all that bad for me. 

Even Matt likes it, and he's not a fan of the fruity.

So here it is, a recipe for raspberry sorbet that I don't have to attribute to anyone but myself.  (Seriously, it's only like the second thing I've ever made without a recipe.  Guess I'm not all that original, huh?)

Raspberry Sorbet (from Mandy's brain)

12 oz fresh raspberries (could use frozen, too, but you'd need to let them thaw first)
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
juice from one lemon

1. In a small saucepan, boil the half cup of water. When the water is boiling, add the half cup of sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved. Remove from heat.
2. Meanwhile, puree raspberries and lemon juice in a food processor.
3. In a large bowl, combine the raspberry puree with the simple syrup. Chill in refrigerator for 2-4 hours.
4. Place mixture in ice cream maker and churn according to manufacturer's instructions.
5. You can enjoy the sorbet immediately, or freeze it to achieve a more solid texture.

I'm sure, too, that you could double this recipe with no problem.


  1. I would like to attest that this is literally the best sorbet ever. And Mandy is a sorbet creating genius. And I want an icecream maker.

  2. I'm going to buy you one so that you and Hugh will be ice cream making pen pals.
