
25 June 2010

This and That

  1. First things first.  Our internet connection has been restored!  Many kudos to Jason from Comcast who knew what he was doing and did it quickly.  At 10:40 this morning I was cussing Comcast again when I saw a Comcast truck at our neighbor's house directly across the street (but still not at ours).  And then at 10:45 Jason called, and saved our lives.  No more Panera outings, unless, of course, I'm in the mood to have someone stand right next to me (like RIGHT next to me) and spank their kid a few times.
  2. Since it's summertime and I begin to purge money when I have too much time off, I've been picking up extra shifts waiting tables.  I forgot how much I hate the public--particularly those who get their kids all hopped up on sweet tea and then encourage them to smash up food and throw it on the ground.  Maybe I don't hate kids as much as I hate parents?
  3. Speaking of parents, I almost became a dog mother for the second time when Matt and I were out celebrating our anniversary.  We'd gone to Wild Wings to use their wifi (crack addicts), and next to us were two twenty-something girls and their 8-week old tiny little puppy.  Oh, and what was the puppy doing?  Chewing on chicken bones.  Seriously.  So I almost stole the puppy, but Matt wouldn't let me.  After I stared at the puppy for two hours, one of the girls asked if I wanted to hold it.  Of course I did, and I asked if I could just have it.  The owner said that I could, but apparently she was joking, because she seemed really angry when I darted off toward my car.  Jokes.  I didn't steal the puppy, but in hindsight I'm thinking that I should have.
  4. New favorite blog, that I got from an old favorite blog.  It's Catalog Living, where a hilarious girl writes captions for pictures of overly-decorated rooms in catalogs.  It's great fun.
  5. Mitch is the cutest thing on the planet.
  6. I bought more raspberries to make more raspberry sorbet, because it's my favorite new dessert.
  7. Question.  I need you, readers and social etiquette experts, to settle a dispute. Are you supposed to go visit people at the hospital when they have a baby?  Or is that just for family?
  8. I'm a little obsessed with our 10x10 canopy that we got for beach trips.  No more sunburns that make my face swell up and my eyes look squinty!
  9. In a lapse of judgment last night, I bought Sally Hansen's insta-dri nail polish--color, Mint Sprint.  Now my feet look like they belong to a dead person.  Also, that is not my hand.  You were thinking it was a little too late for the canopy at the beach, huh?  Nope, I'm still pasty as can be.
  10. Fuck you, BP.

1 comment:

  1. If you're comfortable with it, yes, it's acceptable to visit people in the hospital after having a least in my opinion. Just call first to make sure Mom is aware you're coming...she may or may not be comfortable is she's trying to get a baby to latch on to the boob. =) Don't stay too long and wash your hands before you pick up the baby.
