
08 August 2010

I Love All Five of Those Guys!

After being on vacation and eating out for nearly every meal, I pledged not to eat out for a week.  (Originally, I said that I'd never eat out again, but we all know that was not very realistic.)  And I didn't.  And it was great.  I ate actual vegetables and hummus and food that contained real nutrients and everything.  I'm still far from svelte, but I was feelin' good. 

And I was keeping that up today, eating a healthy breakfast.

And sharing it with Mitch, who loves granola bars.

But it didn't quite hit the spot, and I found myself craving food that is not so good for me.  But I put it out of my mind.  I listened to Mitch Hedberg's Do You Believe in Gosh and took a nap on the couch with Mitchell Pancake Hedberg E.F. the dog.  A couple of hours later, Matt was standing over me, rubbing his belly, and saying he had an idea.

It was the same idea I had had earlier.

So we succumbed.

And it was delicious.

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