
17 August 2010

Oh No, the Big 3-0!

As I've mentioned, we celebrated Matt's birthday this weekend.  Really, we'd been celebrating Matt's birthday since the last week of July, when his mom kicked off birthday month with awesome cast iron skillets and some vacation cash. 

And then Cassie showed up with an awesome grill pan for Matt last week.

Annnnnnnnnnnnd. . .that meant that every gift idea I'd had for Matt had been taken.  Matt's super hard to buy for.  He's not so much into having stuff, and certainly feels no need to have more than one of something.  It makes gift buying pretty tough, and I always end up telling other people the few ideas I have for him.  Shoot. 

Matt is, however, a big fan of fun experiences, and we already know that quality time is his love language.  So, for his birthday, we did a few things.

First, we spent Friday night hanging out at the beach with Collin, which was super fun.  Tybee is just such a fun, happy place.  We talked and laughed and passed judgment on the people who decided to feed the seagulls.  Then we ate at Fannie's on the Beach.  The whole evening was just delightful.

Saturday, which was Matt's actual birthday, was less fun since we both had to work.  We decided that we would make up for it on Sunday, which we did.

We started our Sunday birthday celebration by going to B. Matthews for brunch.  The restaurant had recently been featured in Food Network Magazine as having the best breakfast in Georgia.  It did not disappoint.  We ate and talked and just enjoyed the company of one another.  (Matt keeps telling me not to oversell the B. Matthews experience, but omigod, it was so good.  The food was so so so so so so so good and not even expensive.  We ate at 1:00 and weren't hungry again until 9:00, and I kind of want to go there every day this week to eat lunch.  So, it was. . .okay, I guess.)

Then we went shopping at Barnes and Noble (Matt's favorite store), and Fresh Market (Matt's other favorite store).  We took a family snuggle nap and sat around and watched True Blood and ate more delicious food and drank wine and sat at the kitchen table talking.  Today we continued the birthday celebration by going to see The Other Guys (very funny, by the way), taking another family snuggle nap (we're lazy), and making Kung Pao chicken for dinner (tasty!). 

I'm so happy to be kicking off this next decade of Matt's life with him.  I'm even more happy that he will be hitting these landmark birthdays months before I will.  It really softens the blow.

I was going to write a bunch of stuff here about how much I love him and how great he is and how happy I am with him, but I think I already made you puke a little with the two family snuggle naps.  

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