
30 September 2010

Baking Classes and New Best Friends

So, I got to meet one of my baking idols--Ms. Cheryl Day, the owner of Back in the Day Bakery--tonight at the baking class I told you about earlier.  And not only did I get to meet her, but she fed me dinner.  And by dinner I mean four desserts.  And they were all amazing.  And she's so nice.  And I got to sit in the very front row because I was an hour early because I was afraid of being late and because last night I was having dreams about the baking class and about how Cheryl and I would begin our life-long friendship (or "rest of our lives friendship") on this night.

It was kind of like how Romeo had that dream that the events on the night of the party would ultimately lead to his death, except that it was the opposite. 

I mean, it was pretty much amazing, and Cheryl and I are pretty much best friends forever now, even if she doesn't know that.

And even though I didn't think I'd probably learn all that much--I mean, I already know how to bake--I learned a whole lot about butter and eggs and temperature and lumps and beating and other things that would probably bore most people, but that I was super excited to learn.

And Cheryl, my new best friend forever. . .well, she's kind of a badass. And so is her husband Griff.

Seriously, though, I just sat there starstruck.  I was so nervous at first and so intimidated by her awesomeness that I found myself sitting there at the table like I did when I went to foot-washing Baptist school--straight up, hands closed as if I was about to pray.

Pray for more of this chocolate cake, perhaps.

Or pray that Cheryl, who recently got herself a cookbook deal (a cookbook I can't wait to buy!), will let me be one of her recipe testers.  Pick me, Cheryl!  Pick me!

And now I need to go ellipt, because I ate four desserts for dinner.

*Even though I had taken my camera with me, I didn't take any pictures because I didn't want to be "that girl" with the big obnoxious camera.

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