
01 September 2010

Top Chef Commentary

Angelo (Top Chef contestant): I mean, I put my heart on that plate.

Matt: [in his Top Chef judge voice] I mean, I didn't care for the human heart ingredient in the dish.  It was so tough and chewy--and bloody.


  1. Ha! I thought of True Blood and the Maryann storyline when he said that.

    Also, I really really want Angelo not to talk about food as sex anymore. Ever. So creepy.

    I am bummed to see Tiffany go.

    Are you going to watch Top Chef Just Desserts? I kind of want to because I like baking and sweets, but I'm feeling a little burnt out on reality show watching right now. Maybe I'll just save them all on the DVR and have a marathon later.

  2. Right? One does not have to make love to ribs to have them be tasty. We were really sad to see Tiffany go, too. Even Padma seemed to be upset to send her home.

    I don't think I'm going to watch the Just Desserts show. I prefer simple desserts, for one. Plus, the new tv season is starting soon, so I'd much rather spend my time watching Modern Family and whatever else it is that we watch that I can't remember. You probably wouldn't have to even save them; Bravo's all about playing marathons.
