
29 November 2010

This and That

1. Matt and I did meal planning and grocery shopping tonight that should last us through December 17 or so (with one or two quick produce and dairy trips in there).  Of the thirteen dinners we have planned, only five are things we've made before, so be on the lookout for some new delicious (assuming, of course, that they are indeed delicious) recipes.
2. First up on that list was Martha Stewart's Chicken with Prosciutto and Sage.  Matt says that his additions of red pepper and garlic as a base to the sauce, and his decision to double the sauce (we almost always double the sauce) and serve it over pasta makes our version Matt's Famous Chicken Cutlets with Prosciutto and Sage.  We both agreed that it was a make again meal.  Mitch concurred.  Basically, anytime that a meal includes prosciutto, it becomes a make again meal.
    Martha's picture
    Our picture.  I couldn't get a good picture of this meal to save my life. 
    Plus, I was impatient and hungry, so I stopped caring about getting a good picture. 
3. I LOVE Nucky Thompson.  Is everyone watching Boardwalk Empire or what?  Is everyone else finding Nucky strangely attractive or what?  No?
4. Have you seen Baby June yet?  She's a cuteness.  That face!

5. Pretty sure the 'roid rage is gone.  Also, I think the 'roid rage had a lot to do with my being less than enthusiastic about returning to work today.

6. But today was pretty great.  I started reading The Great Gatsby with my eleventh graders and A Raisin in the Sun with my ninth graders, so that was nice.  A little bit of F. Scott is always good for the soul.

7. Oh, and just yesterday I heard this really cool radio program (what am I, 90?) about The Great Gatsby and its influence on American culture.  Great timing, NPR! (And you can listen below.)

8. An exchange (and evidence for why I will NOT be earning any teacher of the year awards anytime soon):

Me: . . .and there's a movie for the play, too.  It's got what's-his-name in it.  I don't know, what's he go by now?  Dude changes his name every year, it seems. . . 

Student: He's Diddy now.

Me: Changed his name again, Diddy?

9.  Matt says that a bowl full of leftover Butterfinger Halloween candy is not an appropriate snack.  I say Matt's not the boss of me.

10.  Why is Fletcher so cute?  That face!

Okay, well I'm off to either ellipt and then shower or to avoid ellipting and showering.  Or maybe I'll just eat some more Butterfingers and cuddle with the dogs on the couch.  Whatever happens, I'm sure it'll be awesome.  Happy day to you!

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