
07 November 2010

Weekend Fun!

What a lovely weekend it's been!

This weekend:
  • We basically became BFFs with our favorite high school quarterback/artist/jungle doctor.
  • We stayed up until 5:00 a.m. chatting away about anything and everything.
  • I fixed the dishwasher.  (Fingers crossed!)
  • I wore both of my new Old Navy Prep Coats (not at the same time) because it finally got cold outside.
  • We snuggled with the cutest dog on the planet.
  • I made two kinds of delicious ice cream. 
  • I watched two episodes of the new season of 16 and Pregnant and yelled at the tv.
  • We made bolognese.
  • I met the lady across the street.  I'd been meaning to introduce myself for a few months, but couldn't figure out a way to do it that didn't seem creepy. 
  • I went to Cupcake Happy Hour at Back in the Day Bakery.  Okay, so Cupcake Happy Hour was insanely fun, even more fun than I thought it would be.  First, I got to hang out with my good teacher friend.  Second, Back in the Day was serving pizza, which was basically the greatest thing I had ever seen or tasted (hyperbolic, sure, but also true).  Third, our friends Brian and Ann joined us (a.k.a., "parents of the two (but soon-to-be-three) cutest girls on the planet"), along with Iris and Opal.  Oh yeah, and there was bingo.  And Iris won the bingo.  And I might have been more excited about the bingo victory than anyone else at the table.  I also might have scared Iris with my excitement.  Oh well.

Anyway, it's time to watch Boardwalk Empire before bed.  We're so addicted to that show!

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