
17 January 2011

Seventh Annual Florida Vacation!

This weekend we trekked down to Ft. Lauderdale to visit Matt's godfather, my soulmate, and Matt's parents.  This year was the seventh year that we've made the trip, and it's one of our favorite times of the year.  It's not dramatic or super exciting, which is exactly why we love it.  (I wrote about it more last year.) 

This year's trip was more of the same (which is awesome because we love the same), except that we won a little less in poker and I got to visit with another friend who recently moved to South Florida.  It was so great to be with friends and family, and our annual Ft. Lauderdale trip always reminds me how fortunate I am to have such wonderful people in my life.

Here are some pictures from the trip, bookended by pictures of Sir Mitchell (who elected not to go and instead stayed home with his best friend).

 Rabid wolves left behind to guard the house



Matt's parents still hate having their pictures taken, so here's another one of them
from when they were younger. 

Soulmate loves it when we hold hands with interlocking fingers.  Loves it. 

 Why is it so fun to watch turtles? 

Mitch and his new rat baby.

And now we've got a four-day week.  Shoot yeah! 

How was your weekend?

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