
25 April 2011

Back from the ABQ!

Well, we're finally home.  After ten days, five airports, one bajillion calories, and just as many laughs, I'm back here watching Jeopardy! with Matt while Mitch licks a bowl that once held macaroni and cheese.  Ahhhh. . .

Now, it'd been decades since I last visited Albuquerque.  The last time I was there, Mario 3 had just come out, the New Kids topped the charts, Bush I was president, and my sister was seven years away from gracing the world with her presence.  Normally I would be a little morose at this time, having just left my grandparents without knowing when I'd see them again.  But I'm not this time, because in about a week they'll be moving to Florida where they'll only be about 3 hours away from us!  Shoot yeah!

Our visit was just lovely.  It was nice to get to talk to my grandma and grandpa, to listen to their stories, to help them cook and clean and pack.  I've never had the opportunity to enjoy that much one-on-one time with them, and I'm really grateful to have had this time with them.

Here's a little bit of what it looked like, hanging out with Carol and Bruce in the ABQ.

Grandpa loved his new red suspenders. 

 Grandma's favorite farmer's market.  

 Edible loot.

 Sassy suitcase of Grandma's.

 We didn't cook any meth, but maybe Grandma and Grandpa's neighbors were?



  1. I am so jealous! I really wished that we could have taken the kids to ABQ to see them. Oh well, guess we'll have to settle for Florida! Bonus** They are now closer to you and Darcey, so when we do visit, it will be like a big family reunion.

  2. You should totally drive down this summer. Savannah's right off of 95, and Grandma and Grandpa are only about 3-4 hours south. (Well, in a few days, at least.) We've got a guest room and we're close to the beach! I'm just sayin'.
