
10 April 2011

Weekend Fun

What a glorious couple of days it's been!

On Friday afternoon, M3 set off for Augusta to enjoy a weekend with the Savannah Family.  We ended up staying a day longer than planned, and I'm so happy we did.  Even though I ate way more than I was supposed to (Operation: Skinny Unicorn is not going as planned right now) and drank way more than I was supposed to (oh well), it was rejuvenating to have a weekend with friends, talking and laughing and enjoying one another.  Cassie even taught me how to use dry shampoo!  (read: I may never shower again).  When we came home this afternoon, I found myself super motivated to clean the house and tackle tasks on my long-term to-do list that I have written in Sharpie on a cardboard tablet (it's very Old Testament).  I've been cleaning and scrubbing and doing laundry and planting plants and reorganizing.*

And I've got to get back to the scrubbing, but here are way more pictures than you probably want to see from the weekend.

*Also, I believe that I was motivated to be clean because I'd spent the weekend in Cassie and Hugh's sparkling clean house and remembered how nice that can be.  Shoot.  I was so motivated that I even took a shower and shaved my legs.  Apparently it's not sexy or cute to have hair on your legs so long that you can braid it.


  1. Love this post. Loved this weekend. Love you (and M2). Now, come back. White Hot misses you already...

  2. What brand of dry shampoo did you use? I have contemplated using it before . . .

  3. Have you seen my post about dry shampoo? I love it...although my hair is so fine that it makes it feel a tad static-y. Why isn't that a real word, by the way?? Staticky? How would you spell it?

  4. Um, I can't remember what kind of dry shampoo it was. I know it had a pink bottle. And she got it at Sally Beauty Supply. That's all I remember. Danielle, I saw your post about it but somehow missed that you'd been using the dry shampoo. There was so much grease and dirt and grime in my hair that there was no way static electricity could even be a factor. I guess that's the plus side to being a dirtball. . .
