
08 May 2011

Another Wonderful Weekend!

What is it about this time of year that creates such lovely weekends?  And lovely weeks.  And lovely days.  Even the rainy days have been fantastic lately.

Maybe it's because there are only five more weeks of school, or maybe it's because we've had glorious weather since February, or maybe it's because I actually got my ass on the new elliptical and I'm on an exercise endorphin high, but I've been happy as a lark lately.  

My belly is full but not too full, and my skin is just a tiny bit sunburned but not too sunburned.  The house is mostly clean, the cabinets are all organized, and the hydrangeas are blooming.  

Sorry to be so saccharine.  I'll probably be grouchy sometime soon and I'll let you in on all of that, too.

Anyway, here's what our weekend looked like.

 Dogs and laundry.  Lots and lots of laundry.

Made another cake.  Just like the one from last weekend.  Made it because I was jonesin' for more cake.  
Then I forgot to get a piece.  Guess I need to make another cake.

 Went to a baby shower for a very lucky, very fashionable baby.

 Summertime means fireworks.  The dogs are not so wild about the booms.

Went to a Sand Gnats game.  Naked.

Tried to be seductive.

But did not succeed.

Did succeed, however, at being creepy.

Planted the vines that were going crazy.

Got jealous because my friend Sam was in England during the royal wedding.

 Smiled every time I saw these flowers.

Watched my boyfriend do an interview on the TV.

So yeah, to sum up:  I am annoyingly happy.  So happy right now that I think I'm in for some very cranky moods in the near future.  Watch out, Matt.  And, also, the world.

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