
16 May 2011


This weekend was my first one off since I quit my second job a couple of weeks ago.  (Did I mention that I quit waiting tables?  Oh yeah, I did, and it is nothing short of incredible to have two full days off each weekend.)

And how did I spend it?  In the kitchen, of course.

See, my students have their big end of the year test tomorrow, and in an effort to bribe them (in addition to a full week of test prep and a year of harping on them about things like subject/verb agreement and what a simile is) to study and do well on their test, I made them some goodies.  Some pretty darned tasty goodies, if I do say so myself.  

So Saturday was all about kitchen bitchin', as Grandma Carol says.  It was both wonderful and exhausting. 

Dishes, and more dishes, and more dishes.

Sunday started off in a similar vein, and then I got some very sad, very hard news from a friend--the kind of news that makes you want to just hug your Matt and your Mitch a little tighter (the kind of news that meant that for much of the rest of the night, Mitch would be licking tears off of my face).  

I'm struggling to be enthusiastic or excited about stuff right now, but I think, sometimes, that during these  times when your heart feels so heavy, it's even more important than ever to soak up and reflect upon all of the lovely things about life.  And there are so many, aren't there?

Like good friends.

And dogs.

And ice cream.

And crazy sisters.

And cozy beds.

And wine.

And hydrangeas.

And Wendy's spicy chicken sandwiches.

And Matts.

And math jokes.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. YOU, AJF, are on my list of lovely things in life. xoxo

  3. Hey Mandy, I hope this poorly photoshopped picture helps you feel better :)

  4. actually, I suck with photobucket, and I think this is the actual way to see it?


  5. Aw, thanks, Cassy too Sassy.

    And, Audrey, you were spot on with that picture. I think I'm going to make it my background.
