
17 June 2011

If This Isn't Nice, I Don't Know What Is.

I'm not sure what I can even say about this week.  It's been just lovely in some respects: bidding adieu to students from long ago at graduation, not having much to do at work, eating lunch out, shopping, meeting a good friend's new lady friend, and making enough bolognese to feed a team of competitive eaters.  

But for some reason I've been really annoyed and crankfest crankypants all week, too, partly because I had so little to do (or that I could do) at work, because I was eating massive amounts of restaurant food, and because I have been floating around in this little limbo between school and summer.  And I won't complain about coworkers on the blog, but if I did I could've written about seventy-five posts about them this week.  But that would violate my ratio of positive to negative.

So instead of being all fussface about stuff, I'm going to follow the advice of the very handsome and sassy Mr. Vonnegut.

Here's what's making me happy right now.  (And so what if a disproportionate amount of it is food?)

1.  School is over.  Post-planning is over.  I've got to go back for little stuff here and there through the summer, but it's done for now.  Shoot yeah!  SUMMER!!!

2.  Awesome sales at Gap.  It's not easy to dress this boring!

3.  Bacon jam on homemade artisan bread.  Kind of the best thing that's ever happened.

4.  Back in the Day Bakery.  Probably my favorite place in Savannah.

5.  Frozen bananas.  "My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana.  I said, 'No, but I want a regular banana later--so. . .yeah.'"  Also, Mitch Hedberg.

6.  Fun prizes from the Target dollar spot.  I've got big plans for them.

7.  Cutest erasers ever. (Also from Target's dollar spot.)

8.  After-school snacks.

9.  After school, watching crappy movies and pigging out on Nilla Wafers in the guest bed with the dog.  Note the newly styled shelves, courtesy of one Cassie.

10.  Bossypants.  Awesomepants.

11.  The cutest little dog feet in all the land!

12.  Random inspirational quotes spread around the school via someone named Waffles.

And if all that isn't nice, I don't know what is.  

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