
09 June 2011

This is a boring post. But at least I'm not telling you too much about yesterday's visit to the vet.

Okay, listen.  This is the last time that I'm going to hound you to go enter to win the HomeGoods gift card on my reviews page.  The sweepstakes ends tomorrow, so you totes need to head over there to enter a comment.  Or chirp about it.  You and I both know you want to go shop at some HomeGoods.

I was going to post yesterday, but didn't because I had to take my little furry child to the vet, which proved to be quite traumatizing--both for the dog and for me.  After I dished the DISGUSTING deats to Cassie, she swore that if I posted them on the blog she'd unfriend me forever.  So I won't, but let's just say it was awful, and that afterward Mitch wouldn't even look at me, and I wanted to forget the whole experience so I went home and took a nap until almost 10:00 pm and only reason that I even got up then was because Matt had made chili dogs and Alexia fries for dinner, and I couldn't resist.

Poor little handled pup.

Anyway, aside from that, there's not much going on at la casa de M Cubedo.  You know, except for my recent mastery of Spanish.  Right now all of my energy is being consumed by the last week of school, which is simultaneously the easiest and the hardest week of the year.  The last week of school also really distorts my understanding of time; I did not know that time can, in fact, stand still.

Earlier this week, I was crazy productive at school--so productive that now I don't have much to do during my planning period.  Yesterday, then, I decided to take some pictures of what the last week of school looks like in my happy little room.  This was also a chance to play with Ann's 50mm lens.  If I could marry a camera lens (and if I wasn't already married to a human fellow), I would marry this lens.  But, alas, I'm neither into committing myself to inanimate objects nor am I a polygamist.  Oh well, can't please all the people all the time.

Where was I?  Oh yeah, what my classroom looks like.  This is really just a glorified version of that whole "what's in your purse" bull jive that I think is stupid, so I'm kind of a hypocrite.  Sorry about that.

Here's what makes me happy at work (oh, and I posted about the classroom itself a long time ago).

Freedom Tomorrow! 

Picture that I took in high school of one of my scariest and most hilarious teachers, Randy Richardson.  Occasionally the students will ask me if that's a picture of my husband, and I'll tell them that yes, yes it is. 

Better for grading your essays, my sweet!

Textbook accounting is the most fun.  And by most I do mean least.

Old magazines (early '60s) that I scored from the media center.  The kiddies love them.

                                                                   I am a schoolsupplyophile. 

This is the greatest stapler in the world.  If you have to staple things ever as a part of your job, treat yourself to one.  It has the best sound, and it staples stacks of papers like it's goin' out of style.  
Not that stapling stacks of papers was ever in style, but you know what I mean.

 No desk is complete without a Mitchouette.

 Kind of a writing utensil hoarder.

 Shakespeare insult mug, you whoreson villain!

Well, I told you that this post was boring.  I'm going to go see if Mitch and I are on speaking terms again.  If not, I'm going to suck up to him with slices of cheese and prosciutto.


  1. I love the picture of Mr. Richardson!

    And, uh, I'm sorry to hear about Mitch's procedure.

  2. Ha! I thought you'd like that. "How about a cheap feel, Forton?" HAHAHAHAHA!

    And Mitch's problem was perhaps the most disgusting thing that has ever happened. Hey, how's Ein's eye?

  3. How about a cheap feel, indeed. :)

    Ein's eye is better now! The vet eye doctor gave him a clean bill of health. I just have to watch in case the infection recurs.
