
06 June 2011

Weekend Fun

This weekend was very productive, but also very relaxing.  In a nutshell: took a 5-hour nap, ellipted, ate dinner, baked a cake, proctored the SATs, iced a cake, went to a birthday party, bitched about how I couldn't buy Iris a Barbie for so many years, drank a few glasses of wine, talked on the phone, ellipted again, did laundry, scored some awesome loot from Craigslist, more laundry, lunched at Blowin' Smoke, planted peppers, sprayed the dog with the hose, more laundry, a 4-hour nap, skipped dinner and drank wine instead.

F'ing fantastic.

And here's what it looked like.

Strawberry cake that started to fall apart.  Eek!  Earthquake cake. 

Iris's first bike. 

Birthday party decor. 

Very jolly.  And sweaty. 

Cooling off. 

Iris really likes cake. 

Craigslist score!  More on that later. 

Right now I'm suffering through one of the hardest weeks of the year.  You know, senior pranks (baby oil slickin' up the halls?!), rambunctious ninth graders, and vain attempts to keep those fifteen-year olds interested in The Taming of the Shrew.  Save me, Heath Ledger!

Hope your weekend was lovely, and that your week is full of happy things like handsome men singing on bleachers.  It's never not awesome.

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