
05 July 2011

Banana Puddin' Pops!

Very important facts about The Cosby Show and my own life.

1.  When I was younger, we always had cats.  My parents never bothered to get our boy cats fixed, and they would always run away after like 6 months.  We named every single one of these boy cats Bill, after Bill Cosby.  So we had like 8 consecutive cats named Bill.  My little brother began to believe that every animal was called a Bill, so he'd do things like point at a squirrel outside and yell out, "Bill!  Bill!

2.  I do a really good Bill Cosby face.  Or  not.

3.  Our fake restaurant waiting for a table name is Huxtable.  Totally stole that from Best Friend, and it makes me giggle every time.

4.  When I was in college, I submitted a picture of myself to Nick at Nite to "Be the Bug."  The "bug" is the tiny little logo in the bottom corner of a TV screen.  For about 15 minutes on one glorious June night in 2003, my mug was the bug--and it was during an episode of The Cosby Show.  

5.  One of the reasons that I think Matt and I should have kids is so that we can make them do song and dance routines on the stairs, a la the Huxtable children.

6.  Theo is my favorite Huxtable kid.  Denise is my least favorite.  And "least favorite" is an understatement because I effing hate Denise.


I mean, is there anything better that the frozen silkiness of a pudding pop?  So last week when I knew my bananas were about to become overripe (WTF? Why can't I ever manage to eat all of the bananas before they go bad?), I was inspired--you know, like by a beam of light and angelic voices--to make myself some banana pudding. . .pops!  (Also, I'd bought these awesome popsicle holders in Target's dollar spot a few weeks back.)

There are probably like seven billion different recipes for banana puddin', and I'm waiting until Back in the Day Bakery Cheryl's cookbook comes out before I commit to just one.  When I make banana puddin', all I do is make vanilla pudding and add some sliced bananas and Nilla Wafers.  And I always add about twice as many Nilla Wafers as I'm supposed to because my love for Nilla Wafers is as intense as my hatred for Denise Huxtable.

For these particular pops, I made this vanilla pudding, added the bananas (like 3) and wafers (like 1/4 of a bag or so), and then froze the pudding in the popsicle holders.  Ridiculously simple.  Come over and help me eat them!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go watch the entire series of The Cosby Show on Netflix instant.  


  1. Um, Yum. I am planning to make (vegan) peanut butter, chocolate banana cookies. They could be amazing, or I could do a guest post about how they came to life and tried to kill me because I am not a good cook. Like at all.

  2. I'll take twelve. Do you deliver?

  3. What a fantastic idea for a treat. I know I'd enjoy eating those for sure. I have a sweet treat linky party going on at my blog till Monday and I'd love it if you'd come by and link your pops up.
