
01 July 2011

If This Isn't Nice, I Don't Know What Is.

Here's what's making us smile around these parts lately.

Note: it's mostly dogs and food.  But when have dogs and food failed to make you smile?

Homemade mantle art.  Thanks, Mr. Vonnegut! 

 Steroids get rid of poison ivy face.

 New pajama pants plus monkey toes.

The sweetest dog foot in all the land!  See, also, "smells like Doritos."

Martha Stewart wonderment.  Totally making this for the next Sleepover Tuesday.

A cleaner office.

 Wet pup noses.

Don't even think about coming here, murderers. 

 Disappearing blueberry pie bars.

Me: Should I bring wine or gin to the birthday celebration? 

 Pup igloo.  

 Sass mouth.  He gets it from his father.


The only way to eat Brussels sprouts.  We've taken to making them as an appetizer 
lest they shame all of the other items on the plate.

What's making you smile these days?

1 comment:

  1. YOUR TOES. They are amazing.

    Also, dog igloo is totally cute and cozy and makes me want to take a nap, real bad.

    Also also, ice cold Tanqueray with lemon and lime is like. Too good.
