
11 August 2011

This and That

1.  Our power goes out approximately 200 times each summer.  You know, big thunderstorms, a little bit o' wind, and the BAM!  No power.  We use these opportunities to walk around the house with candles and pretend that we're old timey--or worshipers of Satan.

2.  The other day I decided to tune in to the last hour of Steel Magnolias on CMT.  As though that weren't emotionally damaging enough, that damned Sarah MacLaughlin commercial came on during one of the breaks.  I think CMT might have some secret deal with Kleenex or prozac or something.

3.  Also, when I hang out with some of the teachers in my department at school, I feel like I'm on the set of Steel Magnolias.  That part just never gets old.

4.  Cassie's birthday was last week. Cassie is also a big time lover of sharks. (She and Matt are basically soulmates when it comes to sharks and dinosaurs and bleu cheese.)  And since it was shark week last week, too, and because my other good friend Martha had sent me this email about shark desserts, I had to make a cake.  Oh, also, I wanted cake.

Um, maybe we had some issues getting the cake out of the pan?  Or maybe a shark took a bite!

5.  Matt started watching the local news a few months ago in an effort to be more involved in the community, and change starts locally and all.  I don't really care for the local news (no handsome Anderson Cooper), but I do like to watch Matt watch the local news, mainly because he loathes the anchorwoman.  He gets particularly mad when she is mean to the weatherman because it's hot outside.  To be fair to Matt, that woman is just awful.  And what did she think would happen during August in Savannah, anyway?

6.  Bought myself some cheap old school marm shoes today.  At Sears, because that was the only place that had shoes that could toe the line between fun and sassy and just plain slutty.  Also, because of clumsiness, I don't think I'm allowed a heel higher than 3.5".  I'm sure you care a lot about this.

7.  Mitch loves banana puddin' from Back in the Day Bakery.  Can you blame him?

8.  Is anything more fun than the night that you go on a huge grocery trip?  So many choices!  So much food!

9.  Matt wants to start blogging again soon, so we're going to give him his own tab.  But what to name it?  Here's what we've got so far.  Matt Attack, The Mattrix, and The Matt Pack.  Votes?  Also, what would you like to hear about from Matt?

10.  I ellipted three days in a row!  That's basically a world record!  Maybe I can go for four today?


  1. I'm a fan of the Matt Pack. Or, based on that first candle picture, The Book of Matt (Blog of Matt?)

    and yay for ellipting! I wish I could motivate myself to do something exercise-related more than once a week. Even the luster of Netflix as distraction has worn off.

  2. Audrey's mom says - The best banana pudding I have ever had was at the Carlyle in Shirlington. It is plated on criss-crossed lines of caramel syrup with candied vanilla wafers...YUMMM!!! I am also to the point where I am looking at the eliptical fondly when I walk by and am making plans to introduce myself soon. Baby steps...

  3. Oooh, The Book of Matt. Also fun. World record plus one--I even ellipted last night whilst watching Kelly and Brandon decide how to go on after calling off their wedding.

    Kim--that pudding sounds out of control. Candied vanilla wafers???? The elliptical can be lovely. Lately I made a little deal with myself not to push myself so hard when I'm on it, so I'm basically ellipting for longer, but it's easier. It's making it a lot easier to get motivated to go back. Are you so excited about Bouckville or what?

  4. I am SOOO Excited!!
