
10 October 2011


My life lately is just one big Brother & Sisters nap sprinkled with fits of productivity.  

Things are quiet but good, and here's what it's looked like around here.  Be forewarned: it's mostly dogs and food.  

 Mmmmmmmm. . .pasta and bean stew.

Damned squirrels. 

 Chillaxin' in the dirt spot.

Totes got hired to make a cake for a friend of a friend.  I'm basically a professional baker.

 Best snuggle buddy of all time.

Chill in the air means that Mitch begins to dress in layers. 

Does it get any better than this? 

 Judging myself for being so completely in love with these little footy pajamas.  
Also ordering pairs for myself--and Matt and Mitch.

Beyonce, take note--this is how you bring the sexy while knocked up.

Happy week to you!


  1. audrey's mom says: a couple of months ago I randomly bought some pumpkin whoopie pies for Larry whilst I was in MD at the Amish Market. It was life changing. I was amazed at how good they were!!

  2. We won't discuss the narrowly avoided diabetic coma...Good thing I ignored them til I was bored out of my skull in traffic on 66!!!
